Call for Papers Shadow Banking System Workshop

Friday November 21th, 2014
Organized by Université Paris-Lumières
EconomiX (Université Paris 10) and LED (Université Paris 8)

Bât. G salle 614

Inscription obligatoire auprès de frederic.hammerer{{at}} [Date limite le 13 novembre ]

The shadow banking system (SBS), its activities and its participants have been at the heart of the global financial crisis. However, its regulation has made little progress whether on the European or the international level. More precisely, the reform undertaken has been fragmented, without a global vision or strategy. This is largely due to the difficulty of defining the shadow banking system, its various shapes and forms, and the frontier between this new form of intermediation and the regulated institutions of the financial sector. Seven years after the beginning of the financial crisis, the aim of this workshop is to contribute to the analysis of the SBS and to help answer some of the following questions: what are the frontiers of the SBS, what risks does it carry today, what should be the new regulatory frontiers aiming to control its activities or have a direct or indirect impact on its activities, and what are the obstacles to a global approach of its regulation? We invite you to submit full proposals (in pdf format) before October 24st to :
Laurence Scialom
Esther Jeffers


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