Exchanges Workshop in economic theory

Tuesday 3 and Wednesday 4 July 2007
University of Paris 10 - Nanterre, Conference room of building K

Tuesday 3 July, 2007

9.45 am Andrea Attar (IDEI, Université de Toulouse)
"Incentives and competition under moral hazard" (joint with Arnold Chassagnon)
11.00 am Bertrand Gobillard (EconomiX – University of Paris X and LEO)
"How Large should you be in the Market? Non profitable arbitrage and liquidity effects in a money economy"
12.15–14.00 pm Lunch
14.00 pm Régis Breton (CNRS and LEO, Université d’Orléans)
"Robust and non-robust Equilibria in a Strategic Market Game"(joint with Bertrand Gobillard)
15.15 pm Francis Bloch (Univeristy of Aix Marseilles and University of Warwick)
"Messengers, Gatekeepers and Speakers: The Power of Intermediaries in Contracting"
(joint with Garance Genicot)
16.30 pm pause
17.00 pm Leonidas C. Koutsougeras (University of Mancester)
"Decentralization of the Core via Nash Equilibrium" (joint with Nicholas Ziros)

Wednesday 4 July, 2007

9.30 am Rabah Amir (University of Arizona)
"Cournot Oligopoly with Network Effects", (joint with Natalia Lazzati)
10.45 am Andrew Postlewaite (University of Pennsylvania)
"Consumption Commitments and Employment Contracts", (joint with Larry Samuelson and Dan Silverman)
12.00 End of the workshop



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